Bibles & Barbells is a men's Bible study and weightlifting group concept with chapters in the US and Canada. Watch this video for a quick 1-minute introduction:
I show up in slide 2 of this video! It went pretty viral the last couple weeks, and I had several people send it my way. It's wild to see myself in something like this. I love being able to do my small part in demonstrating God's redemptive power. -Josh
A group known as 'He Gets Us' released an advert during the Super Bowl which, whilst perhaps well intentioned, failed to convey anything of the gospel to the hundreds of millions who saw it. Here's my take at what they should have done. If you like this, it was not remotely monetizable due to the music, but if you'd like to support the channel please do! - Jamie Bambrick
I'm very excited to have these new prints for 12 recent Bibles & Barbells study guides in-hand. We'll be putting together starter kits for new groups soon, stay tuned!
Bibles & Barbells has a new chapter open in British Columbia! If you're in the Pitt Meadows/Port Coquitlam, BC area, contact Calvin for more information!
Francis put up a bodyweight bench, and then some! He went ahead and benched 315 just to make us all look bad! Congratulations Francis on your bodyweight bench and new Study Bible!