What is Bibles & Barbells?

Bibles & Barbells is a weekly men's group that meets for weightlifting and Bible Study. See the "Locations" section at the top of the homepage to find a location near you, or Start a Group in your area!

What We Do

Everyone lifts weights at their own pace. The more experienced lifters can help you learn and check your form, or just cheer you on! There are no required activities or exercises. Our goal is to help you improve your strength wherever you are on your health and fitness journey.

We lift weights for the first hour, then when we’re good and tired, we switch over to our Bible study and discussion for the second hour. Weekly handouts with scripture and study notes are provided. We go around the circle and each read a verse (encouraged, not required), until we complete it, then discuss.

Groups are open to men of all ages. See our posts, videos, and study guides to get a flavor of what we do.


Hear about Josh's journey from atheism to Bibles & Barbells founder in his ICR interview:

Or watch Josh's interview with Living Waters to hear his story about his journey from atheism to finding Christ:

Josh has been a bodybuilding and strength training enthusiast for many years, and in 2023 decided to open up his "barn gym" for a weekly men's group. Through "Bibles & Barbells," he provides in-person strength training and Bible study, online resources, apparel and more.

You can also find Josh on the keyboards every Sunday (10am) at Top Hand Cowboy Church in Valley Mills, Texas. You can watch services live online on their YouTube channel.